It seems a never ending cycle weeding and rubbish bags,I'm now up to 12 so a tip run beckons.
I have planted Painted Lady runner beans and harvested radishes,peas,early potatoes,more garlic,carrots and some overwintering onions.
The digging is coming along and I have weeded in between the beds.
The garden has had a general tidy up and I have planted Golden Sunrise and Alicante tomatoes.I have also planted out some Primo Cabbages and Green and Purple Kohlrabi.On the salad front I have done Corn salad and Eis salad lettuces which I bought in Austria earlier in the month.I had some overwintered Nantes carrots which tasted gorgeous.
The garden table is now empty due to me planting out a load of flowers so Mrs P can now put up the umbrella and sit out in the sun.
The greenhouse is flourishing and the tomatoes are coming along.
My container potatoes are showing early signs of blight so will be emptied soon I only hope that I have some sort of crop.
In the conservatory I have planted Basil,Dill,Thyme and Catmint and potted on some Golden Sunrise tomatoes destined for the allotment.I also have had my first Piccolino cucumber which is currently chilling in the fridge.