Pinochio tulips are up and running and I think they look really nice.My Mickey mouse tulips are also in bloom.Some daffs are already finished and have been deadheaded and fed for next year.The Iris reticulata has finished as have my Tete a tete daffodils.My white and red tulips from the allotment shop are also in flower.All of the stuff I purchased from there seems to have worked.

My Camellia has started flowering.I planted it last year and it seems to be doing OK.

I have spent quite a lot of time at the allotment this week.I have planted out my rumba onion sets, Early Nantes and Nantes Frubund carrots and a row of Picasso maincrop potatoes.I have weeded my Garlic and Wintering onions area.I have also dug a bit more in readiness for more potatoes.I would to thank Leslie and Jim my lottie neighbours for use of their hose that was a great step up from my 2 litre watering can and saved me a lot of time.Another dalek has been relocated,it seemed to house a number of snails(now deceased) and an old blackberry cane that is destined for the tip.I can see some light at the end of the tunnel and am still enjoying the pottering about once I can motivate myself to get down there.
Yesterday I attended my first commitee meeting and learnt more of the politics of the place and the role of the local council.We might get some S106 money for improvements to the site such as a toilet,carpark repairs and improved security which would be good.
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