Wednesday 9 January 2013

First post of the new year

This isn't a gardening post but a story of what I have been doing over the last couple of weeks.
I recently have been feeling very lethargic and this came to a head on Christmas Eve when I had to go to the doctor who sent me to hospital for blood tests and an x ray.The outcome(anaemic) was to be admitted in the evening and given 3 units of blood to correct a haemoglobin deficiency.On Christmas day I had another unit as I did on Boxing Day.I thought I was getting better and going to be let out but unfortunately I caught an infection which meant no discharge and antibiotics.I then had an Endoscopy which showed 2 lumps which are cancerous.I then had a problem with my glands which ballooned up,an ultrasound found a blocked gland which means more tablets and will take months to clear.I also had a CAT scan which found more problems.
I have also been hooked up to a machine to thin my blood which is contary to me being anaemic.
Every time I thought I was getting out something else went wrong;
I was finally let out yesterday night so managed a sleep in my own bed and today went to the Royal Marsden for my gradings/staging etc.
The outcome is that the cancer has spread so is inoperable and I start chemotherapy next week.
Bring it on there is no way that I will allow you horrid pieces of crap to mess up my life as I fully intend to be on my allotment this year and for many years to come.
Now I am home I can start some seeds off/

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