Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Last week at the allotment.

The Jubilee weather has not been conducive to going down the plot but I have done a bit of weeding and general tidying.The rain has been welcome since it saves me a good hour wandering back and forth to the Water tap laden with 2 litre plastic bottles full of water.
Another little section started off.In the plastic bottles I have planted Headstart Sweetcorn,in front of them are Shirley F1 Tomatoes and some French Winner Marigolds.Yesterday I finished this section off and had a good hoe to add more tomatoes later.
I have also planted some White Lady runner beans in the legume bed and will be adding to them when I have some more hardened off plants.

I have hacked down more grass to make a walkable path around the plot..
I have also earthed up 2 rows of Picasso and 1 of Charlotte,the Pentland Javelin will be done next.

I have finally had some produce,some strawberries (not the one above) and broad beans.

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